
January 2011
We had the best honeymoon ever!! We went to Vegas for a few days to see The Lion King and The Blue Man Group and then right before our wedding Dustin surprised me with an added week in Cancun! Apparently Dustin had my parents in on it as well because he had my dad in charge of getting my passport.  And my dads reasoning was that he needed it to put it into a fire proof safe just in case ha, and even though I thought it was ridiculous I believed him!! We had a blast though and Dustin sure set the bar high for marriage expectations when within the first week I was surprised with a trip to Cancun :)
On the way home though we missed our flight so my cute husband pushed the chairs together and went and bought us pillows and blankets and made us a bed ha.  Even though we weren't excited to come home and start work and school we were excited to come back to OUR apartment and start making it OUR home.

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