Harry Potter!

July 12, 2011
Dustin and I LOVE Harry Potter.  He probably doesn't want me to admit that,  but it's true. We go to bed to it countless times a week. Well that and The Office.  So naturally we had to get tickets to the midnight showing opening night! We wore our wizard and muggle shirts along with our Griffindor scarves, who knew the people in Kansas don't dress up for opening nights, in Utah we would have been way under dressed.  But the movie was great! We were just sad it came to an end.

4th of July!

Dustin and I have spent the summer living in Wichita, Kansas while he is selling alarm systems, so unfortunately we didn't get to spend one of our favorite holidays at home in Utah with our families :( but luckily my brother and sister-in-law and their 3 kids are out here with us so we got to spend the 4th with them! Cami and I took the kids to the splash park in the morning while the boys went to work. Then the boys took off early and we all went to a Mexican restaurant, which of course was empty because who goes to eat Mexican on the 4th ha, but then we met up with some of the other families out here selling and did some small fireworks and sparklers with the kids.  Then after that the country club was putting on a firework show for their members and even though we weren't members someone had the brilliant idea of hopping the fence, so we did :) We had a fabulous time getting eaten by the mosquitoes and watching the fireworks :)

Adam ondi Ahman

While we were in Missouri we went to Adam Ondi Ahman.  This place was my favorite.  It was so peaceful.  The only place I can think of that compares to how peaceful it was is the temple.  It is just a big open field in the middle of Missouri, but it has such a special feeling there.

Independence and Liberty Jail

At the end of June Dustin and I and James and Cami and their family made a trip down to Kansas City, Missouri to go see Dustin's sister Janel and her family.  We had so much fun hanging out with them.  And the Saturday that we were there we made a trip out to Liberty Jail and the visitors center in Independence.  When I found out that we were moving to Kansas for the summer I said to Dustin, "As long as we see the church sites while we are out there I am on board." So luckily it worked out :) It was so amazing to see where such amazing doctrine was written and to see the places we have heard so much about.  

U2 Concert!!!

 This concert was incredible!! I read that the U2 360 degrees tour was the largest concert in the history of the world!! They weren't kidding.  My favorite song in the whole world has been U2's With or Without You for as long as I can remember.  I still have a voicemail saved on my phone from when Dustin and I were juniors in High school and Dustin called me and played it on my answering machine :) It was the first concert we went to being married and that was the icing on the cake!! 

Draper Family Pictures

My cute little brother who left in May to serve his mission in Lubbock, Texas


January 2011
We had the best honeymoon ever!! We went to Vegas for a few days to see The Lion King and The Blue Man Group and then right before our wedding Dustin surprised me with an added week in Cancun! Apparently Dustin had my parents in on it as well because he had my dad in charge of getting my passport.  And my dads reasoning was that he needed it to put it into a fire proof safe just in case ha, and even though I thought it was ridiculous I believed him!! We had a blast though and Dustin sure set the bar high for marriage expectations when within the first week I was surprised with a trip to Cancun :)
On the way home though we missed our flight so my cute husband pushed the chairs together and went and bought us pillows and blankets and made us a bed ha.  Even though we weren't excited to come home and start work and school we were excited to come back to OUR apartment and start making it OUR home.

The Engagement!

October 24, 2010
Dustins proposal was the cutest thing in the world.  I had been a little suspicious throughout the day but my mom being aware of those suspicions informed Dustin and from then on him and my mom spent the rest of the day throwing me off their trail.  That night Dustin and I were driving and we decided to go to a park near my parents house that we had gone to over the years.  It was freezing that night so I was surprised when Dustin said lets go on a walk, but I still didn't think much of it.  Seconds later I could see candlelight through the trees and it hit me that I had been right all along! The park we went to is shaped like a bowl and to get down to it there is a pathway that winds back and forth down to the center of it and as we approached it I saw that he had lined both sides of the pathway with candles, it looked so pretty. The candles stopped at a white canopy that was covered with twinkling lights.  There were candles everywhere and rose pedals and hot chocolate and even the Batman build-a-bear he had made me 4 years prior, It was perfect.  Then he got down on his knee and said all sorts of cute things and proposed! I of course screamed yes! And as we were hugging I could see a light in the bushes and my brother popped out and shortly after my family and his family showed up to celebrate with us.  One of the most perfect nights of our life!     Posted by Picasa