One Year Anniversary!!!

For our Anniversary Dustin and I went up to our cabin at Fishlake.  When we got there on Friday there was no snow.  Saturday we woke up to about half a foot. So to make sure we didn't get snowed in we moved the car to a street that gets plowed which thankfully we did because it snowed and snowed and snowed!!! We got between 2 and a half to 3 feet. So much snow! Perfect for sledding :)  We felt like little kids all dressed up in our snow clothes pulling our purple sled all around trying to find great places to sled.

Dustin dies laughing every time he sees this picture because when he is snow skating he gets all into it and looks like he is having fun, but from my body language it looks like I am bored ha.  I am actually having fun but there is definitely a difference in the way we look on the snow skate haha.

The Batman Snuggie Dustin bought me for Christmas :)

Since we moved our car to the street we had to hike everything from the cabin up to the road.  Took forever and was so hard!! This picture shows when we finally got to a road, but before this road we were carrying like 5 bags at a time trekking through snow that was to our waists.  I almost gave up a couple of times ha. 

 Happy Anniversary babe I love you!! Thank you for the best year of my life!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures! Fishlake is one of my favorite places of all times. i laughed so hard at all of them:) you guys are awesome. i can't say i've been there... we have had to trek our things up to our cabin before but we had a Rhino 4 wheeler haha. but it makes for great memories you won't forget your 1st anniversary!!! happy ONE year you two love birds!
