
While I was working in Maryland Dustin, Steve, Braxton, and Marissa went to Gettysburg. 

Washington D.C.

National Archives! Where Dustin got in trouble for sneaking pictures of the Bill of Right ha.

Ford's Theater where President Lincoln was assassinated.

National Treasury

Gorgeous Building! Dwight D. Eisenhower offices next to the White House

The White House

Washington Monument

Lincoln Memorial

At the Lincoln Memorial there was an awesome view of the Washington Monument.

Thanksgiving Dinner


I was out of town for our ward Halloween Party so luckily my father-in-law is a bishop of a student married ward so we went to theirs!! 
Lucky for me my husband could not have better parents.  I love Mark and Janeen so much.  We had a blast with them and we are thankful our families live so close so that we get to see them a lot.